Pat Beirne, Chief Engineer of Corel Computer, to address LXNY
Wednesday, 18 November 1998

What: Special visitor meeting of LXNY. Our speaker will be Pat Beirne, Chief Engineer of Corel Computer.

Date: Wednesday, 18 November 1998
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Warren Weaver Hall <Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences>
251 Mercer St.
In Greenwich Village, one block east and a bit south of the southeast corner of Washington Square Park, on the Island of Manhattan.
The meeting is in Room 1314.

Hardware: Small fast cheap general computers. Laptops always welcome.
Software: End user programs and hacker's tools for the hardware.

Quote from Corel Computer:

Pat Beirne, Chief Engineer of Corel Computer, will speak about new developments in the field of Linux based computing and the NetWinder family of Linux-powered thin-computers. Pat was one of the founding members of Corel Corporation in 1985 and part of the three-person CorelDRAW 1.0 development team in 1988. In 1994, Pat assembled a team to explore desktop video conferencing, which resulted in the current CorelVIDEO product line. Pat is now spearheading various Linux-based computer research projects which have produced some exciting breakthroughs.

Pat Beirne will put a fully loaded Net Winder through its paces.

The Net Winder is one of the first of a number of small volume, low wattage, powerful general purpose computers suitable for both home and business use. As prices on general purpose computers fall, new hardware architectures and oses with advantages over traditional architectures and oses will enter the soon to be much larger "desktop and home" market.

For more information see .

Refreshments, courtesy of Corel Computer, will be served.

LXNY thanks New York University for making available the fine room.

Next week: Monday, 23 November 1998 LXNY will have a panel on the move from proprietary source secret oses to free source available oses in business, research, and the arts.
Special note: Professor of New Media at Hunter College, distinguished poster to the WWWhackoes, the man who sports at the market using raw fish!, Clay Shirky,, will be on the panel.
The Cabal, TINC, has graciously given permission for LXNY to post the names of the other panel members within 36 hours.

Next month: LXNY will have an install fest on Wednesday, 16 December 1998.